During the battle, I dismounted to pull security, and get into a shooting match with a couple Opfor.
*splat* Protip: Yes, you do need to dodge the longballs. The fixation makes you subconsciously move it to the center of your vision, aaaaaaaand. They don't believe the ball could actually hit them from that range, but it looks neat so they watch it. Lol New paintball players do this all the time. It cured in about a 40degree arc (125+ yards from shooter to me) and took me right between the eyes as we started the assault. Remember these: while doing a 12 hour training op.I got shot by what was literally a 'curving' bullet in the opening seconds of the event and got to sleep for the whole time the bullet was a sim round (we used both sim rounds and miles gear) that was being fired at a car from a 2 story window. Originally Posted By primuspilum: Mine? Got the dreaded groin card.